Wanderlust & Indie Bookstores
Two of my favorite things are travel and reading! My wanderlust has led me in recent years to not only search out new places to visit, but also to search for Indie Bookstores when visiting new areas. I love all the details that go into planning a trip! I start off easy with transportation, next is the joy of searching for a unique place to stay, and of course searching for great restaurants! But, in the last few years I have also had so much fun discovering unique Indie Bookstores. Many larger cities lend themselves to a large variety of bookstores, but recently I’ve also found amazing stores in smaller cities as well! I have created a link with some of my favorite bookstores here on my website and I hope you’ll take the time to check them out. I’ve included photos and a few of the reasons why I love each store! If you have a favorite Indie, please reach out and share it with me!